- 1h
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A Dog´s Purpose
I chose to do scene 4 of 10 from A Dog´s Purpose, my favorite scene of the entire book. The book is about this one main dog going through stages and lives of being both a different dog and gender. In the book, the dog goes by Bailey a golden retriever, Ellie a German shepherd, Buddy the St. Benard and so on. In the scene I chose Bailey passes on after being with his owner Ethan for 10 years. The book gave off an impression that scene 4 itself is sad and mournful, everyone is suffering from the thought of the best dog ever known passing away after being saved and other being saved by him. Everyone is trying to figure out how they are going to make it without the grandpa and Bailey. I think the theme of the text overall is everyone has a purpose, but the theme for scene 4 is it´s best to recognize and appreciate those in your life while they´re with you.
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License details for "A Dog´s Purpose"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Car drive by by "Audio Library" from Youtube +)
- Mournful humming by CreativeWords +)
- rain patter by desdur from freesound.org +)
- hospital by Mariiao2 at http://freesound.org/people/mariiao2/sounds/240676/ +)
- male crying by SoundEffectsFactory +)
- Small Crowd talking by VKProduktion +)
- ICU sound by youtube +)
- Small Dog Whimpering by YouTube - Royalty Free +)