- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Under a golden sky, a woman gently pats a lion on its forehead and lower jaw. The woman gazes down at the lion with a peaceful smile on her face and appears to be successfully taming this wild beast. The fact that Strength is represented by a woman indicates that this card is not focused on pure physical strength. She has the infinity symbol above her head, the same symbol seen in the Magician. Her white robe is that of the innocent Fool, indicating a purity of spirit. The blue mountain in the background is the same phallic symbol seen in the Lovers. The lion is a symbol of our animal passions and desires. The lion itself is sticking out his tongue. Animals that are preparing to bite do not stick their tongues out. This lion is happy to submit and surrender to the woman. The woman overcomes the lion with a quiet strength that can only come from within. Her left arm represents mental effort, while the right arm represents physical effort. Her right arm is merely holding, while the left arm is exerting all the pressure. She wears a belt and crown of flowers and stands unprotected in an open green field. The crown on her head represents the fullest, most beautiful expression of nature and transient life. The sign associated with the Strength card is Leo.
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License details for "Strength"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Jaguar Sounds by Jaguar sounds from http://partnerinrhymes.com +)
- Lion's growl by John Millais +)
- Creaking Oak by klankbeeld from http://freesound.org +)
- Beautiful Siren by natalia +)
- Belly of the Beast by peridactyloptrix from http://freesound.org +)
- Dragon Growl 03 (Not So Far) by Slaking_97 +)
- Lion Snore by Timbre of the Freesound Project +)
- Single Heartbeat (No Clipping) by Torgeirr +)